Monday, April 8, 2013

I'm still here...

I think I've managed to read a total of forty pages, and had a grand total of thirty minutes to work on my novel this week.  I've had a great week with my family, but holy crap...I'm exhausted.
My in-laws are visiting from Cali, and my girls are enjoying every sweet little minute of it.  They are being spoiled rotten.  I think it's going to take a full month to straighten them out after this, lol.  We spent two days in D.C./Annapolis (it was freaking cold).  We went to the National Zoo and the American History Museum. My oldest daughter saw a computer from 1980 and said "Wow!  That's old!".  Never mind the fact that we were in a room with 200 year old dresses, and the first telephone.
But things are getting back to normal, and I'm hoping to finish reading an actual book some time soon.  I'm a 2-3 book a week girl.  The fact that I've been reading the same bloody book for almost two weeks is starting to make my eyes twitch.
I did go on a book binge last night (sorry honey) and bought four new books!  BN and Amazon were having an epic sale, so I had no choice.  I was required as a book lover to buy books, it's like a law or something.  I bought Slammed and Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover and both Vincent Boys books by Abbi Glines.  I've wanted all of these books for a long time, and at half-off the normal selling price, I couldn't resist.  And now they are all MINE!!
So stay tuned, review of The Demon Lover by Juliet Dark will be coming this week, promise.

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