Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Onyx by Jennifer L. Armetrout

So I'm trying to write this after reading Opal - the third book in the series....and my head is still spinning (more about that later), so bare with me.

Opal is the second book in the series, and it continues right where Obsidian ends.  This was kind of a frustrating book for me, because I really expected the whole Daemon/Katy thing to be resolved by the end of Obsidian.   When it didn't and they were still in love/hate with each other, I thought "Oh, come on already"!  Also, Katy makes a lot of unwise (ok, stupid) decisions in this book.  She withholds a lot of information and keeps tons of secrets and when it all comes out, shit hits the fan.  I forgave her for many of these mistakes because she is only 18, but after a while, I really questioned her intelligence.

This book centers around trust...who can trust who and how far that trust will go.  Blake is a more prominent character in this book  and he and Katy spend a lot of time together, which makes Daemon oh so jealous.  I love me some jealous male - yum.  Katy trusts Blake and Daemon doesn't, and this is a major battle line between them.  Katy also has difficulty fully trusting Daemon after his sudden shift in attitude.  He was kind of a jackass to her in much of the first book, and that hurt doesn't simply melt away.  Katy spends much of the book looking inside herself and deciding who she is now and what she wants.

I think if there was an award for the best kissing scenes, it would go to Jennifer.  These are YA novels so you pretty much know going in that the heat level is going to be mild - they are written for teenagers.  But Jennifer is supremely talented at writing kissing scenes that curl your toes.  I mean, yum.  They should figure out a way to mass produce Daemon like men and distribute them all over America.  Single women everywhere would rejoice.

Despite horrible decisions and the frustrating push and pull of the Daemon/Katy saga, I really enjoyed this book. Authors write to bring out emotion and I think any emotion you feel when reading means the author has accomplished something.

Was this book as good as the first?  No, but I think that could be part of it being a series.  In the first, the entire book is one big mystery and you keep reading to unravel all the secrets hidden in the pages.  With a sequel or a series, the story is a continuation and many times the majority of the mystery in the first book have already been solved.  Therefore, it is the characters that keep you coming back for more.  Daemon, Katy and the rest of the Lux series gang are great characters and you want to see what journey the author takes them on...which is why I jumped into the Opal minutes after finishing Onyx.  More to come on that book later. :-)

Purchase Onyx in paperback on Amazon or Barnes and Noble
Purchase Onyx for Kindle
Purchase Onyx for Nook

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