A Dream to Cling To revolves around Rebecca, a pet lover from a very wealthy family, and Sam, a Renaissance type who has been all over the world and has no plans on putting down roots. Rebecca does everything in her power to do the exact opposite of what is expected of an heiress. She lives modestly and helps run a non-profit program that brings animal companions to the elderly. Rebecca adores her family, especially her father who is about to retire from his very successful career. Sam has lived all over the world and had many professions in his 35 years. He loves to travel and believes marriage is like a chain holding him to one spot. Currently, Sam is the owner of a gaming company that provides personalized games for clients. In order to achieve his very unique product, he must collect a ton of information about the person the game will center around. Reluctantly, Rebecca agrees to be the family-appointed representative to provide him with all the information he needs.
I liked this book, but I wasn't crazy over it. It was a nice story, but felt very rushed. There were some points of the plot I had a hard time following or catching up to and had a few moments when I was like "wait, when did they say that?" I did however, really enjoy Sam. He was very different from most male literary figures. I could picture him speaking with a British accent (even though he was American) and writing sonnets. Have you ever seen the show "Elementary"? Sam reminds me of Sherlock in that show, minus the crazy. He seemed to know something about everything and had a knack for seeing the unseen in certain situations. He was my favorite character and I felt he was the most developed.
I hate giving ratings to books because I feel something an author puts their blood, sweat and tears into shouldn't be reduced to a number, or hand full of stars. It wasn't exactly me, but it would be great for the person who wants a quick traditional romance where two unlikely characters find love.
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